4_5_Особенности исследования понятийного аппарата в сфере физической культуры и спорта в контексте теории современного менеджмента . Наука

Concepts of physical culture and sports as a subject of today’s theoretical and methodological research

  • Pavel V. Laevskiy

    Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Красова Елена Викторовна

    Elena V. Krasova. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article deals with the development of the conceptual apparatus referring to physical culture and sports issues. In the context of healthy lifestyle popularization and focus on the comprehensive human development in many countries, physical education and sports are becoming a complex system of social relations, combining the interests of the state, society, and economy. The article aims at the theoretical understanding of basic concepts in the field of physical education and sports which are used in the relevant scientific literature. The subject of the research is «physical culture» and «sport» concepts, as well as other concepts associated with physical education and sports as a sphere of economic activity, a branch of economy. On the base of the meaningful analysis of scientific literature the authors make efforts to clarity and
universalize the considered concepts, ensuring logical consistency of theoretical provisions that justify the today’s development of physical education and sports. The article provides the meaning of such concepts as «physical culture», «sports», «physical education system», «physical education field», «sports industry» «sports economy». The authors also determine features of using these concepts in today’s science and practice.
Keywords: physical culture, physical development, sports, sphere of physical culture and sports, physical education system, physical education field, sports industry, sports economy.